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Responsibility Stacking | The Messy Balancing Act Every Business Owner Deals With [M&M #034]

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There’s an extreme price you pay to become exceptional at any one thing.

To keep from sacrificing everything for one particular pursuit - i.e. your one-person business - most choose to continue to show varying levels of priority toward other facets of your life - i.e. friends, family, hobbies

Striving for balance between these circles reduces the likelihood to be exceptional at any one thing.

Raising a child is tough.

Raising more than one child is very tough.

Raising children while building a one-person business is extremely tough.

Raising children, building a biz, actively loving your spouse, investing in friendships, all while having enough ‘me’ time to recharge is…. Let’s just call it impossible.

*this is just one example of responsibility stacking - shoutout to all the parents out there.

Yet, it’s the type of ‘impossible’ that’s worth fighting for.

In fact this is among the most admirable of pursuits one could journey through.

The reason I say it’s impossible is because you’ll never have each of these circles in a perfect balance for long. This ongoing game of balance requires consistent effort of heroic magnitude.

So for one, cut yourself some slack.

Allow yourself some grace by not beating yourself up for not being perfect all the time.

You have a lot going on. Your plate is FULL. But you’re not alone… Take heart - Thousands of us are fighting the good fight as we speak.

So for this week, please take the following encouragements to heart.

Great Things Happen in Phases

I was an underpaid, underwhelmed employee when my first son Jack was born. As a man and provider for a growing houshold, I felt disconnected to my purpose. Without realizing, I was bringing home this internal friction every day after work.

As I was venting to a friend about my struggles, what they said has stuck with me to this day…

You’re just in a specific season of life - a particular phase of your journey. And as hard as this phase may be, you’ll only be here for so long before things progress into the next phase - and so on. Waking up at 2:30am to make bottles for baby Jack wouldn’t be my reality forever. Same for the work-related struggles.

You are where you are… But only for now.

Where you end up… Well that’s up to you.

The days are long, while the years seem to fly by.

If you love certain elements about the phase you’re currently in, cherish it.

While the parts you despise, accept that it’ll take some time to work through it.

As long as you keep putting in consistent action-based effort, you’ll find overall progression from one phase to the next.

Let Logic to Guide You When The Emotions Are Loud

It’s never a dull day. The responsibilties seem to stack up like the dirty dishes in the sink.

And it’s not that you’re not working on them… They just keep piling up.

With so much to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed and let your emotions take take the driver’s seat. We talked last week on how decsion fatigue can creep in and whoop your ass if you’re not careful. However, separating logic from emotion is essential if you want to alleviate the pressure that comes from all of these responsibilities.

One way to separate logic from emotion is to focus on the facts. Do your best to look at situations objectively. Instead of reacting out of emotion - which always happens to me when I’m stressed out… Take a step back and evaluate the situation logically. This will help you make better decisions and avoid getting caught up in your emotions.

It's important to remember that you're only human. You can't do everything all at once, and you don't have to (I’m totally writing this to myself here.. I’m stressed AF right now truthfully 😐).

Great things take time.

What you’re building is worth that investment.

Be proud of yourself for pressing on.

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There’s a Reason You're Doing This - Never Forget Your ‘Why’

Can I say something that might piss you off?

Not everything happens for a reason - stop saying that garbage. It’s a cop-out.

It’s only opinion, yes…

But it seems to make much more sense to say, good can come from just about everything.

Not always directly, but even the worst events can incite a heroic response which can spark major positive change.

In context of today’s entry, there is a reason for what you’re doing with your life right now.

You’re working toward freedom, happiness, autonomy, your dream outcome.

When the shit stacks up, and it will…

Reframe your overwhelm into your battle-cry. It’s time to pound your chest like King-eff’in-kong! haha! (I dont think I’ve ever said that before haha)….

But seriously. That’s what high acheivers do.

That’s exactly what it takes sometimes.

You’re doing this for a reason.

If that’s not the case, then this is a great moment have an honest, logical conversation with yourself…

Let me know what you’re working on these days. I’d love to know where you’re at.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Proud of ya.

Until Next Time ✌️🙂


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