1 Simple Trick to Instantly Become More Credible as a New One-Person Business
Starting a business is tough.
Starting a one-person business… even more challenging in some ways.
Getting people to take you seriously and actually subscribe or even purchase something is near impossible when you have no following, no offering, and no content backlog to help position you.
You need experience and a following to be considered credible, but you need to build up your business and content output in order to gain that experience and following. 😵💫
It's a catch-22.
So how can you appear more legit in your content?
Here's one simple approach.
Use other people's content to back up the points you're making with your content.
You can screenshot other people's tweets and posts to validate the point you're making in your newsletter or blog. Not only that, but you can also use quotes from thought leaders and re-share stories originally shared by others.
This is a unique twist on the UGC (User-Generated Content) marketing approach.
HUGE caveat that must be addressed early is doing this in a way that keeps your integrity intact. I am NOT, I repeat… I am NOT suggesting you steal from others and pretend to use it as your own.
As an aside…
I heard this cool thing not too long ago about the difference between brand reputation and brand persona that’s worth quickly mentioning.
Brand Persona: The identity that you aim to carve out for yourself [can control]
Brand Reputation: The perception of what others see you to be [can’t control]
You can fully control your actions and behaviors, but your audience will ultimately make their own judgments of you based on how you present yourself and your values.
The net average becomes your reputation.
When using an integrity-first approach, there’s a lot to be gained with this unique spin on UGC.
There are 3 distinct advantages to Embedding UGC into your content:
1. Your Content Will Expand
2. Your Connections will Grow
3. You’ll Build Audience Trust Quicker
1. Your Content Will Expand
I’ve talked a lot (and will continue to) on the topic of content ideas and how to come up with more of them. Mainly because it’s a huge problem for many in our solo-business niche.
We need to be posting as much content as possible in order to effectively promote ourselves and the brands we alone, build.
This UGC spin-off approach is fantastic at helping you expand…
1. Your Existing Content
2. Your New Content Idea Bank
The new angles you’ll be able to bring to your content will grow due to the fresh perspectives that you include. In doing so, you’ll become more aware of other people’s take on these topics - leaving you more informed in the end.
As these other perspectives are embedded into your content, you’ll also find the benefit of fresh ideas popping up in your brain too.
When we surround ourselves with content put out by other professionals in the space, it gets our brain firing in a way that tends to generate new ideas or new solutions to common problems.
All of this plays quite well into not only the expansion of your content but the expansion of your mind as well.
As a side-effect, your writing or delivery style (if putting out written or audible content) will become more conversational since you are playing off of someone else’s thoughts on the topic too. Oftentimes this conversational communication style can dramatically help with viewer retention as well - keeping them engaged longer.
And who doesn’t want that?! 😬
2. Your Connections Will Grow
Maybe the most obvious benefit… But involving other people’s content in yours is a great way to build new connections. This is very similar to hosting a podcast that has new guests on every episode.
The networking effect is already baked in as a positive byproduct of the effort!
If you’re anything like me, this has been a glaring problem since day one in my solo-business journey. And if I’m really honest, I’d say that a huge reason was (and still is, to a degree) the battle against imposter syndrome.
The benefit of building new human connections with others in your niche is huge!
Especially for one-person businesses that can often just bury themselves in work at the expense of expanding their network.
And remember, especially when you're just starting out…
You don't have to pull content from ultra-known people. Leveraging other small accounts that aren't as well-known might even turn into your new high-value friendship.
You’ll end up with new friends/connections that can:
- Give you honest feedback on your business struggles
- Give you a testimonial or critique on your product pre-release
- Cross-promote your content and offers to their audience
- Vouch for you and cheer for you
And that’s just on the remote/digital side of the friendship. I’ve met up for beers and hung out with new friends that I met through making shared content before. 🍻
Oh, the beauty of the internet!!
And something worth mentioning is that as you put in the reps and start making these connections, the compound effect will start to take shape.
Your network grows, your confidence builds, you reach out to more people, you feel comfortable commenting more online and on bigger accounts, and more people see you, which grows your network, building confidence… and so on!
This is an easy first step to putting yourself out there in a way that truly helps everyone - you, other professionals, and your audience.
3. You’ll Quickly Build Trust From Your Audience
In the same vein of connection building from the previous point, there’s also a huge benefit to be had with your audience from incorporating outside content into yours…
Trust Building - Lots of it.
It’s no surprise that trust is the backbone of all things when it comes to your relationship with your audience. People follow, support, and buy from other people (or brands) they trust.
Do you buy from brands that seem ‘off’ to you, or don’t align with your values? exactly.
And the same is true for us here.
It seems counterintuitive on the surface, but pulling in other people’s perspectives into your content shows your audience that…
→ You’re not an ego-centric human
→ You’re willing to share the spotlight with others
→ You’re prioritizing the reader by bringing in perspectives that better contextualize the content
→ You’re demonstrating qualities of leadership, not posturing yourself as ‘the ultimate truth’
Like a bowl of spaghetti noodles, these points are all closely tied to one another.
But they each hold huge weight with your audience, as it also speaks to your character as a person outside of the office.
Like I always preach when talking on the fundamentals of marketing, business, or anything really….
Just be a good human to other humans, and with consistent effort, over time you’ll inevitably win - you’ll achieve the success you’re after.
By leveraging other people's shared thoughts and experiences, you can quickly boost your social proof. This makes you come across as more legitimate and studied-up in the message you are aiming to convey.
It's a win-win.
So, if you're struggling to be taken seriously as a new one-person business, don't fret. There are simple ways to appear more legit, and using other people's content is one of them. Try it out and see how it works for you.
Til Next Time ✌️🙂
“Bonus Tip: As your following begins to build, you can then immediately repurpose this same approach but instead of highlighting other niche-specific professionals, you can simply pull from your comment sections or email replies.
Wherever people are engaging with your content, that’s where you go to grab topic ideas or even screenshot and include those comments in your upcoming content!
Now you have 2 different angle to the same exact approach. And they all have the 3 distinct advantages mentioned in this entry baked right into it! Happy creating 😄”