Human Hacking: How Top Performers Become Undeniably Magnetic


🙁 PROBLEM: Understanding what makes you more appealing and ‘follow-worthy’ online.

🤔 SOLUTION: Displaying specific character traits that make you magnetic

🤩 BENEFIT: An easy approach to building a positive reputation and closer following online.

What REALLY Draws People In

There is an insane amount of high-quality people behaving in a low-quality manner online lately.

You see…

The internet is an amazing tool that can propel you to whatever level of success you’re looking for. But the internet is also a black abyss of 1’s and 0’s where everyone has the chance to influence others and be influenced by others.

For most of us, we want to build a following and/or build a successful business.

In order to do this, we must be magnetic.

Being magnetic is the result of displaying qualities and character traits that others would consider appealing.

Your level of magnetism online is a direct byproduct of the behaviors and actions you take.

But realize that, although everyone posting online is vying for attention, many are breaking the foundational rules of what makes someone magnetic.

A quick shot of attention never makes up for an unattractive display.

Being Magnetic = Being Attractive
Grabbing Attention = Being Disruptive

I’ll explain what this means at the end but recognize that Attraction and Magnetism are not the same thing. But they’re not polar opposites either…

Today, I’m highlighting a handful of qualities and characteristics that make a person magnetic in hopes that it empowers you to display your version of these virtuous traits and subsequently improve your growth and quality of connections online.

The 5 Highly Magnetic Character Traits 🧲

​1. Humility & Servanthood

The late and great Kendrick Lamar once said, “Sit Down. Be Humble.”

And although his song “HUMBLE.” is laced with other themes not needed for today’s conversation, the value of humility still rings true.

Humility is the act of lowering the importance of one’s self to instead make space for others and the community as a whole.

However, this selfless state of being requires a large dose of self-awareness in order to maintain.

Remaining humble throughout your day-to-day activities is incredibly magnetic for two reasons:

  1. Humility displays an ‘others first’ approach, which makes people feel valued and focused on. Which is very nice to feel on the receiving end.

  2. It is a great demonstration of wisdom in that the world is a massive canvas of ideas, emotions, and opportunity of which the collective human experience is centered around.

Staying off your ‘high horse’ of pride and arrogance is incredibly inviting - shall we say magnetic…

Humility then perfectly ties into the servanthood mentality that all of the greatest leaders possess.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

Humility and Servanthood work hand-in-hand and ultimately position you as a selfless individual, with a heart of gold, focusing on the greater good of your community.

This is something that’s rare to find, easy to spot, and impossible to ignore.

2. Transparency & Vulnerability

Transparency and vulnerability again go hand-in-hand as another high-caliber quality found in the greatest names in history.

From being clear about your true intentions with business to sharing stories of your own personal turmoil, being transparent with the world has a slew of upsides.

Outside of cultivating a sense of magnetism, transparency also:

  • reminds everyone that you’re ‘human’ just like them

  • demonstrates honesty and builds deep-rooted trust

  • presents you as an individual who’s strong enough to admit mistakes,

  • yet confident enough to share what works

More than ever, people want to band together with other good people.

One great way to prove to the world that you’re one of the good guys is to just be open about your ups, downs, wins, and losses. This is the blueprint of your story as a person and as a professional.

Share as much as much as you feel comfortable with, then go a few steps further.

No doubt, you’ll start attracting some incredibly great people that you may not have otherwise.

3. Confidence & Bravery

Whether it be cold sales calls, performing the national anthem, or asking a girl out…

Confidence builds as you keep putting in the work.
The more reps you put in, the more confident you will become.

Confidence comes from experience, and experience comes from doing things.

The more you do, the more you’ll know.
Yet Ironically this quote is also true…

“The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.” - Socrates

As an encouragement for you today,

Let go of the self-imposed pressure to be ‘perfect’ at something.
Instead, focus on the process required in order to achieve perfection - whatever that means for you.

In simple terms…

Bravery is simply the willingness to try something where the strong possibility of failure ultimately awaits.

Every single day we have these micro-moments, these tiny little opportunities to either do the bold/brave thing or to figuratively curl up in the fetal position and cry for our binky. 🍼

(I actually used to call my pacifier a ‘dink dink’ 😆 how about that for vulnerable transparency eh?)

At a micro and macro level, these acts of bravery breeds confidence which spins up a flywheel of growth. This signals your ‘strength’ to the rest of the world, which in turn brings them closer to you.

People respond to strength.

And when demonstrated in the right way as mentioned here,
the response is an incredibly positive one.

Remember, confidence is shown more through your actions than in your words.

Don’t just speak about it.
Be about it.

4. Curiosity & Passion

There is an age-old debate on whether or not you have to love what you do in order to be successful. In my 32 years on this earth, I would say…

The bedrock of success is predicated on the fulfillment that one experiences in their pursuit.

In order for fulfillment in the deepest sense, to occur, one must have a deep level of curiosity and passion for the specific journey they choose to embark on.

The area where your curiosity sparks, is often where your passion waits.

Do you need to love every element of your work in order to love what you do?

Let’s answer this with some more questions:

  • Do you love absolutely every aspect of your spouse? Or are there a few pet peeves?

  • Are you obsessed with every healthy meal you choose to eat? Or would extra cheese make it better?

  • Do you have to love everything going on in your country in order to love your country?

I’ll let you answer those for yourself.

For the longest time I never really understood why curiosity was so incredibly important.

But I've come to discover that curiosity...

It's like oxygen to a flame - the more you have of it, the larger the flame becomes. In this sense, the flame is the offers and solutions you create to benefit your audience. This, in turn, becomes an incredible business.

Curiosity precedes Greatness.

For the Solopreneur, passion, and curiosity gets us out of bed in the morning.

A curious mind is a passionate mind.
And passion is exciting to witness.
This excitement catches attention and draws people in.

5. Balance & Discernment

Of all the qualities we are discussing today, I would confidently place balance and discernment at the top of the list if ranking by importance.

Within all of the other magnetic character traits, a large dose of discernment is required.

Discernment is simply the adaptive understanding of situations and the ability to make unique and appropriate decisions in real-time.

Think of it like air traffic control but for all of the thoughts, choices, and decisions you have each day.

For instance, when attempting to turn left at a green light while traffic is approaching from the other direction, discerning (deciding) when to wait versus when to turn is taking place.

Also, recognize that most choices in life are not black-and-white decisions.

We live in an incredibly grey world, where sometimes you must stand your ground and fight while other times it's best to leave it alone.

​Each micro and macro decision must be made with a balanced mind in hopes of making a greater amount of good decisions than bad ones.

As a Solopreneur, balance, and discernment is critical to your success.

Things like…

  • When to stick to the game plan or when to pivot.

  • When to delegate, automate, or handle it yourself.

  • where to allocate capital to increase ROI.

  • When to take the phone call or reply to the email, versus not breaking focus on your current task.

It all comes down to risk versus reward.
Big or small, it's found in everything.

Your discernment will develop as you continue to navigate the journey of business and life.

While you demonstrate and sharpen these qualities, it will become incredibly apparent to those around you. It's impressive to see somebody who embodies these qualities, making it incredibly magnetic.

Often times...
It's not in what you say, but rather in what you choose not to say.
It's not in what you do, but rather in what you choose not to do.

Losers and Winners: Spot the Difference

At the beginning of this entry, I said…

Being Magnetic = Being Attractive
Grabbing Attention = Being Disruptive

Now with all the context of this entry in hand,
let me explain what I mean by this.

When your goal is simply to get attention, the immediate objective is to disrupt. If you can't disrupt somebody's patterns even for a split second you won't be able to get their attention.

But when your goal is to be magnetic, the objective is to attract by the way being attractive. In doing so, you inevitably disrupt someone's pattern of attention as they choose to shift their focus based on what is pulling them in.

There is a lot of talk on the best ways to get people's attention. And while this is not a bad thing, mistakes are often made by those who misunderstand the difference between attracting and disrupting. Or those who choose the path of willful ignorance for the sake of preserving short-sighted and largely selfish objectives.

Begin to embody these qualities and you too will become undeniably magnetic.

I truly hope you found something useful in this today.
I also hope that this entry has brought us closer together.

If either is the case, I count it as a win.

Until next time ❤️✌️🙂




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